HM George I's 27-Great Grandfather. Poss. HRE Ferdinand I's 29-Great Grandfather. U.S. President [HAYES]'s 26-Great Grandfather. Poss. Agnes Harris's 31-Great Grandfather. `Osawatomie' Brown's 40-Great Grandfather.
________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _____ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | | | / | -- Gradd ap RHYFEDEL of BRITAIN + | ====> [ 226 ,,qY,&]
| | | | | / | -- Urban (Vrban Vrba Erb) ap GRAD of BRITAIN
| | | | | / | | / or: poss. Bran (Urban's nephew)
| | | | / | -- Telpwyll (Triuil) ap URBAN of BRITAIN
| | | | / | | / (skip this generation?)
| | | / | -- Deheweint ap TELPWYLL of BRITAIN
| | | | | \ | / (skip this generation?)
| | | / | \ | -- Emerita verch COEL of BRITAIN + | ====> [ 219 ,,qD,&]
| | / | -- Tegfan Gloff (ap TEUHVANT) of BRITAIN
| | / | | / or: poss. not Guotepauc ap TEGFAN (Tegfan's son)
| / | -- Coel (Coyl) Hen GUOTEPAUK (High King) of the HEN OGLED (North Britain)
/ | -- Ceneu (Saint) ap COEL (382? - ?)
| | \ | | | | / | -- poss. Einudd Ednyfed ap GWRDDWFN + | ====> [ 222 ,,qD,&]
| | | | | | / | -- Gereint ap EINUDD (285? - ?)
| | | | | | | | \ | / OR: poss. Agripanius `of Master's Kin' + | ====> [ 255 ,,q,&]
| | | | | | / | \ | -- (NN), 3rd wife
| | | | | / | -- Conan MERIADOG (King) of BRITTANY (& DOMNONIA)
| | | | | | | \ | / OR: Cynan ap EUDAF of BRITONS [alt ped] + | ====> [ 227 ,,q,&]
| | | | | | | \ | -- poss. Thametes (Agripanius's wife) + | ====> [ 223 ,,qD,&]
| | | | | / | | | / or: (NN), Gereint's wife
| | | | / | -- Cadfan (Gideon) ap CYNAN MERIADOG
| | | | | | \ | / | -- Dynod (Donant) ap CARADOC + | ====> [ 1]
| | | | / | \ | -- Ursula (Saint) verch DYNOD
| | \ | -- Ystradwal verch CADFAN (360? - ?)
| | | \ | | / | -- Coel I (Cole Coilus) (King) of BRITAIN + | ====> [ 218 ,,qY,&]
| | | | | / | -- Lleurig (Lucius) MAWR (King) of EWYAS
| | | | | / | \ | -- Ystradwl (Stradwawl) of SILURIA + | ====> [ 218 ,,qD,&]
| | | \ | -- prob. not Gladys `the Younger' of BRITAIN
| | | | \ | / or: poss. some other Gwladys
| | | | | | / | -- Eurgen ap MEURIG of the TRINOVANTES + | ====> [ 218 ,,qY,&]
| | | | \ | -- Gladys (Gwladys) verch EURGEN of SILURIA
| | | | | \ | -- poss. daughter of King Coel + | ====> [ 219 ,,qY,&]
/ | | | | | | / or: (NN), daughter of Meric and Julia, q.v.
- Gwrast (Gwrst) LLEDLWM ap CENEU
\ |
\ | -- ?