________ | ________ | ________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | ______ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | / | -- Rhys (I) ap TEWDWR MAWR + | ====> [ 255 ,,pD,&]
| | | / | -- Gruffydd ap RHYS (Wales 1081? - 1137)
| | | | | \ | -- Catrin (Gwladus) verch IESTYN + | ====> [ 255 ,,pD,&]
| | | / | | | / or: poss. Gwladys verch RHIWALLON, q.v.
| | / | -- Rhys (II) ap GRUFFYDD (Arglwydd DEHEUBARTH)
| | / | \ | -- Gwenlian (II) verch GRUFFYDD + | ==&=> [ 255 ,g,tD,&]
| / | -- Rhys GRYG (II) ap RHYS (1160? - 1234)
| | | \ | -- Gwenllian verch MADOG + | ==&=> [ 255 ,g,tD,&]
| / | | | / OR: poss. Ystedur verch CARADOG + | ====> [ 1]
/ | -- prob. Rhys Meychall (Mechyll) ap RHYS-GRYG
| | \ | / OR: poss. Rhys Meychall ap RHYS-GRYG [alt ped] + | ==&=> [ 255 ,haGC,r,&]
| | | | | / | -- Roger `the Good' de CLARE + | ==&=> [ 255 ,HG,&]
| | | | / | -- Richard de CLARE (Kent 1153? - 1217?)
| | | | / | \ | -- Maud (de) ST. HILAIRE + | ====> [ 3]
| | \ | -- poss. Joan (Maud) de CLARE
| | | \ | / OR: poss. Elliw (Ellyn) verch THOMAS + | ====> [ 255 ,,pD,&]
| | | | | / OR: poss. Agnes de CLARE + | ==&=> [ 255 ,WH,R,&]
| | | | | / or: Ellyn verch TREAHEARN
/ | | \ | -- prob. Amice (FitzWILLIAM) FitzROBERT + | ==&=> [ 255 ,WH,R,&]
- Gwednelin `Mechall' verch RHYS of SOUTH WALES
\ | | / | -- William III de BRAOSE + | ==&=> [ 255 ,hGC,r,&]
| | / | -- Reginald de BRAOSE (Sussex ? - 1228 Wales)
| | | | \ | -- Maud de ST. VALERIE (de HAIA) [alt ped] + | ====> [ 255 ,hg,r,&]
| | / | | | / OR: prob. Maud de ST. VALERIE (de HAIA) + | ====> [ 255 ,hag,r,&]
\ | -- poss. Matilda de BREOS
| \ | / OR: prob. Maud (Matilda) de CLARE (CLERE) + | ====> [ 255 ,wh,r,&]
| | | / | -- William (II; Sir) BRIWERE + | ====> [ 255 ,gc,t,&]
| \ | -- Groecia (Grace Gracia) BRIWERE (1161? - 1223)
| | \ | / | -- Herbert (Sir) de VAUX + | ====> [ 255 ,hg,&]
| | | | / | | / (skip this generation and next?)
| | \ | -- Beatrix de (VALLE) VAUX (1151? - 1217)
| | | \ | -- Grace (poss. MORVILLE) (skip?) + | ====> [ 255 ,hg,&]