HM George I's 15-Great Grandmother. HRE Ferdinand I's 13-Great Grandmother. U.S. President [MONROE]'s 24-Great Grandmother. PM Churchill's 24-Great Grandmother. HM Margrethe II's 23-Great Grandmother. Gen. Pierpont Hamilton's 25-Great Grandmother. Wm. von Bismarck's 21-Great Grandmother. `Red Baron' Richthofen's 21-Great Grandmother. Poss. Jamie's 27-Great Grandmother.
________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _____ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | | | / | -- Kadalhoh II im ISENGAU + | ====> [ 6]
| | | | | | | | | / or: Albuin von JAUN
| | | | | | / | | / or: Aribo II
| | | | | / | -- Hartwig (II; Count) im ISENGAU (? - 985)
| | | | | | | \ | / or: Hartwig (q.v. : Hartwig's uncle)
| | | | | / | \ | -- poss. Hildegarde
| | | | / | -- poss. Aribo I (III; IV; Pfalzgraf) of BAVARIA
| | | | | | \ | -- Wigburg (Wichburg) von BAYERN + | ==&=> [ 255 ,C,pt,&]
| | | | / | | | / or: Wigburg de VERDUN, q.v.
| | | / | -- Everhard (Eberhard) von SPONHEIM
| | | / | \ | -- poss. Adela of BAVARIA + | ====> [ 7]
| | / | -- Siegfried (Count) von SPONHEIM
| | / | \ | -- Hedwig von NELLENBURG
| / | -- Siegfried (Count) von SPONHEIM
| | | \ | / (skip this generation?)
| | | | | | / | -- prob. Frederick I of PUSTERTHAL + | ==&=> [ 255 ,C,pt,&]
| | | | | / | -- poss. Engelbert (IV; Count) in/of PUSTERTHAL
| | | | | / | \ | -- Adela(?) vom CHIEMGAU + | ====> [ 255 ,,vpt,&]
| | | \ | -- Richgard (Heiress) von LAVANT (von NORDTAL)
| | | | \ | / | -- Werigand (Wirigaud? Wezzelin) von FRIULI
| | | | \ | -- poss. Luitgard of ISTRIA (? - 1051+)
| / | | | \ | -- Wilibirg (Heiress) von EBERSBURG + | ====> [ 255 ,,pt,&]
/ | -- Hermann (Burggraf) of MAGDEBURG (? - 1118)
/ |
- Richardis (von) SPONHEIM
\ | / | -- Ruger I (Graf) von BIELSTEIN (? - by 1095)
\ | -- prob. (Miss) von BIELSTEIN
| \ | | | | / | -- Adalbert I (Count) of WINTERTHUR + | ==&=> [ 255 ,c,pt,&]
| | | | | / | -- Werner I von WINTERTHUR (? - 1040)
| | | | / | -- Werner II (Graf) von WINTERTHUR
| | | | / | \ | -- Irmgard von NELLENBURG + | ====> [ 255 ,c,ptm,&]
| | | / | -- Werner III (Graf) von GRUNINGEN (? - 1065)
| \ | -- (Miss) von GUDENSBERG
| | \ | -- Willibirg von ACHALM