HM George I's 19-Great Aunt. Poss. HRE Ferdinand I's 15-Great Aunt. Poss. HRE Charles VI's 18-Great Grandmother. U.S. President [WASHINGTON]'s 18-Great Aunt. PM Churchill's 22-Great Aunt. Poss. HM Margrethe II's 25-Great Grandmother. Poss. Agnes Harris's 14-Great Grandmother. `Osawatomie' Brown's 24-Great Aunt.
________ | ________ | ________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | ______ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | / | -- Ednyfed (Gam) ap LLYWARCH GAM + | ====> [ 255 ,,pD,&]
| | | / | -- Rhys Sais ap EDNYFED (? - 1078??)
| | | / | \ | -- Sionet verch RHIWALLON + | ====> [ 255 ,,pD,&]
| | / | -- Ranulph de WRENROC (1009? - ?)
| | / | \ | -- Efa verch GRUFFYD HIR + | ====> [ 255 ,g,tD,&]
| / | -- Ranulph de PEVEREL
/ | -- William `the Elder' PEVEREL de NOTTINGHAM
| | \ | / OR: Not! William PEVEREL de NOTTINGHAM [alt ped] + | ==&=> [ 255 ,W,&]
| | | | | / | -- poss. Ethelred II `the Unready' of ENGLAND + | ==&=> [ 255 ,G,&]
| | | | / | -- Ingelric (Prince) of ENGLAND (1006? - ?)
| | | | / | \ | -- poss. Alfflaed GUNNARSDOTTIR + | ====> [ 3]
/ | \ | -- Maud (de) INGELRICA
\ | | | | / | -- Hugh I de MONTREUIL + | ====> [ 255 ,c,&]
| | | | | / | | / OR: prob. not Hildouin de BRETEUIL + | ====> [ 255 ,gc,&]
| | | | / | -- Enguerrand (Count) de MONTREUIL (987+ - 1046)
| | | | / | \ | -- Gisela CAPET (Princess) of FRANCE + | ==&=> [ 255 ,H,&]
| | | / | -- Hugh II (Count) de PONTHIEU (1005? - 1052)
| | | / | \ | -- Adele (Adeline) of (GHENT) HOLLAND + | ==&=> [ 255 ,GC,tm,&]
| | / | -- poss. Enguerrand II (Count) of PONTHIEU (? - 1053)
| | | | \ | / | -- Guenfroi (Sire/Sn.) d' AUMALE (966? - ?)
| | | | \ | -- Bertha (Heiress) d' AUMALE (1005? - ?)
| | / | | \ | -- Hermengarde (poss. d' AUVERGNE)
\ | -- Adeliza (Adeline Oddona) of LANCASTER (1054? - 1120)
| \ | | / | -- Richard II `the Good' of NORMANDY + | ====> [ 255 ,gc,t,&]
| | | / | -- Robert II (Duke) of NORMANDY
| | | / | \ | -- Judith (Princess) of BRITTANY + | ==&=> [ 255 ,C,ptmD,&]
| \ | -- poss. Adelaide (Adeliza) of NORMANDY
| | \ | / | -- Fulbert `the Tanner' de FALAIS + | ====> [ 255 ,,pt,&]
| | | | / | | / OR: prob. not Fulbert de FALAIS [alt ped] + | ====> [ 255 ,gc,t,&]
| | \ | -- prob. not Herleve (Salburpyr) de FALAISE
| | | \ | / or: prob. (NN), a different mistress
| | | \ | -- Doda (Dode Duxia) (980? - ?)
| | | | | / OR: prob. not Doda of SCOTLAND [alt ped] + | ==&=> [ 255 ,,pTD,&]