HM George I's 16-Great Grandfather. HRE Ferdinand I's 15-Great Grandfather. U.S. President [HAYES]'s 18-Great Grandfather. PM Churchill's 23-Great Grandfather. HM Margrethe II's 24-Great Grandfather. Gen. Pierpont Hamilton's 25-Great Grandfather. `Red Baron' Richthofen's 21-Great Grandfather. Poss. Agnes Harris's 16-Great Grandfather. `Osawatomie' Brown's 24-Great Grandfather.
________ | ________ | ________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | ______ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | / | -- Roger de MONTE GOMERII + | ====> [ 255 ,,p,&]
| | | / | -- Roger de MONTE GOMERII (906? - ?)
| | | / | | / (skip this generation and father?)
| | / | -- Renaud (Bernard) `the Dane' (Sn.) of HARCOURT
| | | | \ | / OR: Bernard `the Dane' [alt ped] + | ====> [ 255 ,,pt,&]
| | / | \ | -- (Miss) de HIEMOIS (skip?)
| / | -- Torf (Torfulus) `the Rich' (Sn.) de HARCOURT
| | | \ | / or: Torf of NORMANDY
| | | | | / OR: Torf `the Rich' de TOURVILLE [alt ped] + | ==&=> [ 255 ,C,pt,&]
| / | \ | -- Sphreta (Sprote) de BOURGOYNE + | ==&=> [ 255 ,C,&]
/ | -- Touroude (Torulf Turulf) de PONTAUDEMER (954+ - 1040)
| | \ | | / | -- poss. Rollo (BRICO) THURSTAN + | ====> [ 255 ,,pt,&]
| | | | / | -- Anslech (Anslac) (Baron) of BRIGUEBEC (905? - ?)
| | | | / | \ | -- poss. Gerlotte (de) BLOIS + | ====> [ 255 ,c,&]
| | \ | -- Ertemberge (Esomberge) de BRIOQUEBEC (TURSTAIN)
/ | | \ | -- poss. Gillette de BEAUMONT + | ====> [ 2]
- Humphrey de HARCOURT (Sn.) de PONT-AUDEMAR
\ | | / | -- poss. Ranulf de CREPON + | ====> [ 1]
| | | | | | / OR: poss. Herfast Ranulf CREPON [alt ped] + | ====> [ 255 ,g,&]
| | | / | | / or: prob. not Gorm `the Old' of JUTLAND, q.v. (poss. Herfast's brother)
| | / | -- Herbastus (Herfastus) (Sire) de CREPON (911? - 981?)
| | | | | / or: (NN), a Dane
| | / | | / or: Forquelar of CIRQUES
\ | -- Duvelina (Seinfreda?; Wevie?) de CREPON (942? - ?)
| \ | / or: poss. Awelina dau. of `Bluetooth'
| | | / | -- prob. not Olaf (Ring ?) (the MIGHTY) BJORNSSON + | ====> [ 255 ,,p,&]
| \ | -- mother of Senfria, Wevia, Duvelina, Herfast
| | \ | / | -- Thraud (Jarl) av SULA (SUDA)
| | \ | -- prob. not Ingelburg THRANDSDOTTER of SULA