Tarain (2nd King) of PICTS

Poss. HM George I's 42-Great Grandmother.       Poss. HRE Ferdinand I's 41-Great Grandmother.       Poss. Agnes Harris's 44-Great Grandmother.

 Wife/Partner:       Art `Cois'
 Sister's Child:       Quintus (5th King) of PICTS
/-- ?
- Tarain (2nd King) of PICTS
\-- Calgacus (1st King) of PICTS in ALBANY, sister of  (? - 83)
/-- poss.  Bruide Mund
\-- mother of Gilgidi
\-- prob.  Gurith (20th King) of SCONE (PICTS), sister of
/-- poss.  Bruide Uip
\-- prob.  Uruip (19th King) of SCONE, sister of
/-- poss.  Bruide Cinid
\-- prob.  Urcint II (18th King) of SCONE, sister of
/-- poss.  Bruide Gart
\-- prob.  Urgart (17th King) of SCONE, sister of
/-- poss.  Bruide Ru
\-- prob.  Urero (16th King) of SCONE, sister of
\-- prob.  Urfeth (15th King) of SCONE, sister of
\-- prob.  Urfcint (I; 14th King) of SCONE, sister of
\-- prob.  Urkel (13th King) of SCONE, sister of
\-- prob.  Urfeichir of SCONE, sister of
\-- prob.  Ginith of SCONE, sister of
\-- prob.  Urgant of S.   +====> [ 212 ,,q,&]

  Her 3-Great Grandchild:       Duibne `Mor' (King) of DUMBARTON
  Her (poss.) 9-Great Grandchild:       Cinhil (Quintillian) of the DAMNONII

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