HM George I's 15-Great Grandfather. HRE Ferdinand I's 13-Great Grandfather. U.S. President [HAYES]'s 17-Great Grandfather. PM Churchill's 22-Great Grandfather. HM Margrethe II's 23-Great Grandfather. Gen. Pierpont Hamilton's 23-Great Grandfather. `Red Baron' Richthofen's 20-Great Grandfather. Poss. Agnes Harris's 15-Great Grandfather. `Osawatomie' Brown's 23-Great Grandfather.
________ | ________ | ________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | ______ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | / | -- Robert I (King) of FRANCE + | ==&=> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | / | -- Hugh (I) `the Great' (Duke) of the FRANKS
| | | / | \ | -- Beatrice (poss. de VERMANDOIS) + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | / | -- Hugh (Hugues) CAPET (King) of FRANCE
| | / | \ | -- Hedwige (Hedwig) of SAXONY + | ==&=> [ 255 ,c,ptm,&]
| / | -- Robert II CAPET (King) of FRANCE
| / | \ | -- Adelais of the CAROLINGIANS + | ====> [ 255 ,c,pt,&]
/ | -- Henry I CAPET (King) of FRANCE (1008 - 1060)
| | \ | | / | -- Boso (Bozon; II) of PROVENCE + | ==&=> [ 255 ,C,pt,&]
| | | | / | -- William (I; II; Marquis/Duke) of PROVENCE
| | | | | | \ | -- Constance of ARLES (de VIENNE) + | ==&=> [ 255 ,C,ptQD,&]
| | | | / | | | / or: Constantia (of unknown ancestry)
| | \ | -- Constance of ARLES (TOULOUSE) (980? - 1032 Meulan)
/ | | \ | -- Adelaide (Aelips) `Blanche' d' ANJOU + | ====> [ 255 ,c,&]
- Hugh MAGNUS `the Great' de CREPI
\ | | / | -- Vladimir (I; Saint; Grand Prince) of KIEV + | ====> [ 255 ,,R,&]
| | / | -- Jaroslav (Yaroslav Laroslav) I WLADIMIROWWITSCH
| | | | \ | -- Rogneida (Rognieda) (Princess) von POLOTZK + | ====> [ 3]
| | | | | | / or: Anna PORPHYROGENITA, q.v.
| | / | | | / OR: poss. (Miss) von SCHWABEN + | ==&=> [ 255 ,gC,tm,&]
\ | -- Anna (Agnesa) JAROSLAVNA (Princess) of KIEV
| \ | / or: prob. not Matilda of GERMANY (1st wife)
| | | / | -- Olaf III (II; King; Skot-konig) of SWEDEN + | ====> [ 255 ,g,&]
| \ | -- Ingegarda (Ingrid) OLAFSDOTTIR (1001? - 1050)
| | \ | / | -- Mieceslas III (Prince) of the OBOTRITES + | ====> [ 255 ,c,pt,&]
| | \ | -- Astrid (Ingegerda) (Princess) of the OBOTRITES
| | | \ | -- Sophia (Sweden)